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Last Wednesday a Theatre Company came to school and the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd course had the pleasure to watch Santa’s Pants, a Christmas play.


The performance was about Santa Claus who lived happily married with Ms. Santa. Some days before Christmas some problems came up: his old trousers were broken, his wife needed some ingredients for the Christmas pudding and he also wanted to buy some presents. That’s why he went to town for some shopping. When he came back home he saw that the trousers he had bought were 3 fingers too long. Firstly, no one could help him to shorten them, so he did it himself, but later Ms. Santa did it, Rudolph did it and the elf also did it by surprise.

Finally, Santa ended up wearing shorts instead of long trousers.


The children had a good time, they learned and participated actively during all the show. They also interacted with the actors and some of them even became part of the show!

Els alumnes van passar una bona estona, participant, aprenent  i gaudint de l'obra.

Teatre en anglès

Santa's Pants Theatre

Dimecres passat una companyia de teatre en anglès va venir a l’escola a representar Santa’s Pants.


L’obra parlava del Pare Noel, que vivia feliçment amb la senyora Santa. Uns dies abans de Nadal van sorgir alguns problemes: els seus pantalons vells estaven estripats, la seva dona necessitava alguns ingredients per fer les postres de Nadal i ell també volia comprar alguns regals. Per tots aquests motius va decidir anar al poble a comprar.


Quan va tornar a casa va adonar-se que els pantalons eren tres dits massa llargs. En primer lloc, ningú podia ajudar-lo a escurçar els pantalons i va haver de solucionar-ho ell sol, però després la senyora Santa, en Rudolf i l’elf també ho van fer per donar-li una sorpresa.


Finalment, el Pare Noel va acabar portant pantalons curs enlloc de pantalons llargs.


Els nens i nenes van passar una bona estona, van aprendre i van participar activament durant tota l'obra. També van interactuar amb els actors i alguns d'ells, fins i tot, van formar part de l'espectacle!

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